Skateboard Blog

The Evolution of Skateboarding: A Look at the History and Development of the Sport

The Evolution of Skateboarding: A Look at the H...

Skateboarding, a sport that has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. It's a pastime that has evolved and transformed over the years, and it's a...

The Evolution of Skateboarding: A Look at the H...

Skateboarding, a sport that has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. It's a pastime that has evolved and transformed over the years, and it's a...

Man sitting on a curb with his skateboard.

Skateboarding and Mental Health: How Skating Ca...

Skateboarding has long been considered a way to express oneself, to push boundaries and to challenge oneself. But did you know that it also has the power to improve our...

Skateboarding and Mental Health: How Skating Ca...

Skateboarding has long been considered a way to express oneself, to push boundaries and to challenge oneself. But did you know that it also has the power to improve our...

Person standing next to their broken skateboard

What professional Skater has broken the most sk...

It is difficult to determine which professional skateboarder has broken the most boards, as it is not commonly reported or tracked. However, professional skateboarders are known to go through a...

What professional Skater has broken the most sk...

It is difficult to determine which professional skateboarder has broken the most boards, as it is not commonly reported or tracked. However, professional skateboarders are known to go through a...

Man Grinding Bowl On Skateboard

Top Skateboard Brands Of All Time

Skateboarding has come a long way since its origins in the 1950s. From humble beginnings as a backyard pastime, it has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon with millions of enthusiasts...

Top Skateboard Brands Of All Time

Skateboarding has come a long way since its origins in the 1950s. From humble beginnings as a backyard pastime, it has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon with millions of enthusiasts...